*Last Updated: 3/9/2022

Living in the Greater Atlanta, I am a PhD Student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and MBA Student in Scheller School of Business at Georgia Institute of Technology. I teach/work in the domains of Theoretical Machine Learning coupled with Neuroscience.

My main focus of study dwells in the domain of computational neuroscience and disease characterization. I currently study the intersection between cytoarchitecture (brain mapping), functional connectivity, and disease dysfunction of connection - all mixed with distributed/cloud computing. Current diseases I'm interested in are Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Depression, and Diabetic Retinopathy.

I graduated the University of Oregon with double majors in Mathematics and CIS (departmental honors), and double minors in physics and theater arts. I was fully funded in my undergrad with the Intel Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship, Summit Scholarship, and Presidential Undergrad Research Scholarship.

I received the Presidential Undergraduate Research Scholarship for my work modeling Neural Connections with Stochastic Processes. I worked in the High-Performance Computing Lab at UO on an REU studying Natural Language Process.

I have led major projects including a 60K hack-a-thon and several first author publishings.

I currently work for a platform biotech startup, Insight Optics, generating IP in the domain of low-resolution image processing designed to characterize disease.

My interests in Computer Science include HPC, Machine Learning, Cloud/Distributed Computing, Bioinformatics, Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Graphic Modeling.

My interests in Mathematics include Geometry/Topology, Optimization, and Matrix-Completion Problems.